CHANGE OF TIME NOTICE FOR 2021 SUMMER WORKOUT SCHEDULE! Beginning Monday, June 21, all summer workouts will still be held from 8-10 am for all HS and Junior High student athletes. Student athletes need to meet in the HS weight room.
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth Johnson
Summer workout change of time notice
Arp ISD welcomes Autumn Ladd as the newest school board member!
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth Johnson
Autumn Ladd
Autumn Ladd
We will continue to work on our new website this summer so keep checking back! Also we have a school app in the works! Good things to come.
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth Johnson
Arp ISD wants to give Ozarka Natural Spring Water a HUGE shout out of "THANK YOU!" for their donation to our school district!
almost 4 years ago, Elizabeth Johnson
Ozarka Water Donation
Senior Field Day Extravaganza this Thursday, May 13th, after the morning's awards ceremony: LET THE GAMES BEGIN!
almost 4 years ago, Elizabeth Johnson
Senior Fun Day!
Congratulations to the Accounting Team on their 3rd place ranking at STATE!
almost 4 years ago, Elizabeth Johnson
Congratulations, Marissa Alibrando, Arp HS Valedictorian 2021!
almost 4 years ago, Elizabeth Johnson
Marissa Alibrando, Valedictorian 2021
Congratulations, Reed Thorn, Arp HS Solutatorian 2021!
almost 4 years ago, Elizabeth Johnson
Reed Thorn, Arp HS Solutatorian 20-21
Arp ISD is preparing to unveil a new website/app for our school community! Coming Soon!
almost 4 years ago, John Arrington
Arp ISD Logo