CHANGE OF TIME NOTICE FOR 2021 SUMMER WORKOUT SCHEDULE! Beginning Monday, June 21, all summer workouts will still be held from 8-10 am for all HS and Junior High student athletes. Student athletes need to meet in the HS weight room.
Arp ISD welcomes Autumn Ladd as the newest school board member!
We will continue to work on our new website this summer so keep checking back! Also we have a school app in the works! Good things to come.
Arp ISD wants to give Ozarka Natural Spring Water a HUGE shout out of "THANK YOU!" for their donation to our school district!
Senior Field Day Extravaganza this Thursday, May 13th, after the morning's awards ceremony: LET THE GAMES BEGIN!
Congratulations to the Accounting Team on their 3rd place ranking at STATE!
Congratulations, Marissa Alibrando, Arp HS Valedictorian 2021!
Congratulations, Reed Thorn, Arp HS Solutatorian 2021!
Arp ISD is preparing to unveil a new website/app for our school community! Coming Soon!