Being a part of National Honor Society is not just about being recognized for your achievements.
It is also an opportunity to serve your community.
Thanks to twelve Arp High School seniors, 289 East Texas senior citizens will have a reasonable supply of food for nutritious meals for at least some time.
Arp's NHS group donated their time at the East Texas Food Bank in Tyler last week packaging non-perishable food items in boxes.
They spent three-and-a-half very productive hours at the food bank as they managed to prepare the aforementioned 289 boxes.
The food bank will deliver them to senior citizens throughout East Texas that need assistance.
This is the fourth community service project that this school year's NHS Tigers have been a part of under the direction of Mrs. Julie Allen.
The others included two blood drives with Carter Blood Care, and the holiday food drive competition along with West Rusk, and Leverett's Chapel.
Arp's 2021-22 NHS members are:
AJ Arrington
Emma Ducksworth
Ariana Padron
Lexi Ferguson
Dalton Prather
Isaac Penney
Hayden Wright
Ashley Lopez
Caleb McClure
Sylvia Hall
Kylie Hill
Kencia Lee