Eight Arp Tigers did quite a job representing our school district last Wednesday at the East Texas State Fair's Academic Rodeo Pentathlon at the fairgrounds in Tyler.
Broken up into two teams, Arp High School's Team A made up of senior A.J. Arrington, junior Abby Nichols, sophomore Fisher Arrington, and freshman Amanda Hilbig took care of business throughout the day in various disciplines to finish in third place overall.
The Pentathlon contest consisted of 3 sections: Individual tests, Quiz bowl, and engineering build.
In the individual test section, students take two paper tests from the options of math, physics, chemistry, and biology.
Senior A.J. Arrington took home an individual second place finish in mathematics.
The quiz bowl sections consist of questions from all 4 subjects above, that they answer as a team.
The engineering build is where things got fun.
A different challenge every year, students are given a random set of supplies and a task to complete, which includes both building and making a contraption work.
This time around the task was to build a tower, completely out of paper and tape, that could hold a can of potato soup for 60 seconds. Students were disqualified if the tower didn't hold for 60 seconds, and were given extra points for the height of the tower.
Both Arp teams built a successful tower that was able to hold the can.
Arp High School's Team B did not place in the overall standings. But pictured above with their effective tower are sophomore Maddie Poole, senior Caleb McClure, freshman Claire Hilbig, and junior Haley Bryand.