We are very excited to introduce the new Arp High School Career & Technical Education Programs of Study Guidebook.
With the help of the Region VII Education Center, and Secondary Assistant Principal/CCMR Director Donna Lowery, we can now offer a vibrant, well illustrated, easy to read and understand 28-page booklet to help you plan for your children's high school pathway and experience.
"CTE is an important part of our modern education system. Being able to provide our students with a physical handbook and a digital version on our website, is a great way to inform our students of their educational and career options," Lowery explained.
We encourage everyone to take a look at it in detail. But especially those currently in eighth or ninth grade.
With the various programs of study and endorsements available at Arp High School, the plan your student chooses can help mold their future, including their career and post-secondary opportunities.
You can view, download, or print the entire catalog by CLICKING HERE.
It is also currently available on the front page of our website and in the student links page.