Thrilled to have a highly qualified group on campus, the Arp Elementary School faculty and staff participated in the 'Capturing Kids' Hearts' workshop seminar Thursday and Friday.
Following their motto of "If you have a child's heart, you have a child's mind," the training stressed relationship building with students in order to get the best out of them along with impacting the campus culture in order to see positive change.
Implementing transformational processes focused on social-emotional well being as well as leadership were also part of the agenda.
The examples were vivid as the two-day event was very interactive and full of activities.
Trainer Melissa Salmon said they do trainings all over the country and even internationally.
Based out of College Station, Capturing Kids' Hearts is the education branch of the Flippen Group which has been doing these trainings since 1990.
Their workshops are now done year-round, and have taken place in 49 states, and four different countries.
Principal Stephanie Schminkey emphasized the importance of the seminar as her teachers are getting ready to kick off the 2021-22 school year.
"We know in our hearts that you have to love kids, build relationships with them first, and with your staff, before you can be successful in all things including academics," said Schminkey.
"We are learning practical strategies, and practical things that they could walk away with on day one," she added.
"A lot of games, a lot of laughter, a lot of sharing so they get to know each other personally. I want them to feel validated, that this is an amazing job, that they can use these tools not just in their classrooms, that this is a model that we look at that is not just for teaching, but for relationships, and for leading," Salmon explained.
The Flippen Group also does similar trainings for athletes, military, fortune 500 companies.